Three lessons

Video screenshot
This project was inspired by an experience I had during a creative activity that I led at a community center in Petach Tikva’s Yoseftal neighborhood. During the activity, one of the kids - a young boy of Ethiopian descent - asked me for a “flesh” color pencil. What he imagined was a pale yellow pinkish color that is very different from his own skin color, which was a dark deep brown. That moment underscored the political dimension underlying the encounter between color and language, and how the supposedly “naïve” perception of color is entwined with notions rooted in capitalist western thought.
I went back to the community center to meet again with the children of the neighborhood. During a process of several meetings we created various works on the theme of self-portrait. The video work documents one of those sessions, in which I sat with each kid and taught him or her how to mix their own skin tone with primary colors.